Forex Reserved

By some measurements, the reservations of Saudi Arabia are more with rapid growth in the world. The reservations of the country crossed recently the threshold $250 billion, and now develop with a rate/rhythm are equivalent almost to 40% per annum. The source of the reservations should be a mystery with anybody: oil. The oil prices increased during the five last years, granting ventis benefit to the whole area of the Middle East. More, as be becomes in hand, the oil prices are sure to rise further, which will ensure the growth continues Saoudi reservations of forex. Fortunately for the USA, the majority of the contracts of the oil of the world are arranged in USD, which wants to say that the pole in oil prices really stabilized USD, in spite of its contribution to the commercial trade deficit of the USA. Moreover, Saudi Arabia is one of the investors worthiest of confidence of the world on the financial markets of the USA, which means that the bulls of the dollar can breathe a careful sigh of relief which reserve diversification will be probably given small confidence by Sauds.

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